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I promised the Lord I would start giving testimonies of the graces I’ve received, even when I didn’t deserve them, and the times He pulled through for my family and I. I waited a long time to start sharing because these stories are so personal. But just like I love hearing others’ testimonies, and especially […]
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(I’m going to preface this post by saying it’s going to be a long post and I may heavily condense it later.) Life is a gift I know I haven’t posted anything in a while, and that’s because I’ve been overwhelmed and had a bit of a scare. It was this scare, though, that made […]
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I’m giving something else up for Lent, but I was also trying to be quiet online during this Lenten period, too. I just felt I needed to at least update this blog. So how did I decide for marriage instead of the religious life? This is going to be a more personal and rather lengthy post, which is rare for me, since I’m normally a private person! But over the past year I’ve been feeling that God wants me to open up a little more, so that sharing my story might hopefully help at…
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This is a semi-new endeavor for me, but exciting at the same time! I’ve had a couple of blogs in the past, but am dedicating this one to the Baby Jesus, Whom I have a devotion to, and Who also chose me as my patron saint this past year! And I ask the Holy Spirit […]